Monday, July 27, 2020

Unhoused: Addressing Homelessness in California - Secretary Ben Carson

Fair Housing Rule or Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice

Florida Realtors Magazine:
HUD Ends Fair Housing Rule, NAR Says It's ‘Disappointed’: The change defines fair housing broadly, with HUD saying current standards are “unworkable and ultimately a waste of time for localities to comply.” NAR earlier asked HUD not move forward with the change, saying it “threatened to strip away the rule’s original civil rights purpose.”

The new rule, called Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice, defines fair housing broadly as affordable, safe, decent, free of unlawful discrimination and accessible under civil rights laws. It defines “affirmatively furthering fair housing” to mean any action rationally related to any of those attributes, HUD says.

Preserving Choice

Fraud Not Tolerated but need to helping fan the flame Affordable housing loans for ALL.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Should you Wait To Buy A House July 2020 Suzie Orman Huh JaredJames..

Should you Wait To Buy A House?
Suze Orman Huh?!? |#JaredJamesSho...

Every market is different!

 THIS Totally affirmed what is going on in our COVID-19 July 2020 Shutdown.

Diana Sames 727--776-0122
Enjoying Helping people for 20 yrs Selling FLA Beach Living.