Monday, July 20, 2015

Veterens: Homes For Heroes for Realtors

What is Homes for Heroes  
What do Homes for Heroes DO and How can I make a differrence?

I was speaking to the son of an old beach aquaintance, Frank, an Airforce Veteran.  My husband used to enjoy listening to his story's down at the Paradise Grille picnic tables in Pass A Grille FL. He lived in the next neighbor hood to us. Well he did pass away and we enjoyed his celebration Mass at St Johns St Pete Beach probable 5 to 7 years ago now.  I recently mentioned I had some one if he was wanting to buy in case the family was ready to sell.
He asked me if i was a membe of Homes for Heroes.  I replied "No". He said in a rather gruff way, that he would only use someone who was a part of Homes for Heroes   I am a Realtor and giving back is always exciting in my mind but  the timing was not good as it was Winter our busiest time of year here, on St Pete Beach and after all i had no idea what it was. So here I am with a bit more time to read more about it, sign up and spread the word $ 1 0 , 8 4 1 , 8 2 0 . 2 4
that we can all make a differrence 1 person at a time and one thing at a time
As my dad, Fred an Airforce Veteran used to say  "Inch by Inch it is a cinche" and look at what each person has acheived  $ 1 0 , 8 4 1 , 8 2 0 . 2 4   "yard by yard it is hard"
GO to the website  HOMES FOR HEROES mission statement Check out the Video on the site or the FAQ and pass the word even if you dont say it quite right or get the response that you wanted.

check out their web site Homes for Heroes

A foot note to end my personal story with Homes for Heroes.

I had a fantastic time talking to the director Annie. We shared the same motivation and satisafaction for giving back and making our work place much bigger than just making $.  However as with any buisness we have to put our monthly advertising $ where it makes sense all aspects of our buisness plan. So, though I was dissapointed, I knew i could not "sign up". This is something of course I can still choose to do as  the old Australian saying goes"there is more than one way to skin a cat".
After all that is what a good REALTOR does best. Negotiate!

 However I hightly recommend any New realtor to call Annie and she will help you create your buisness plan and spending around HOMES FOR HEROES then at closing you get to give a $ Kick Back to your Homes for Heroes customer..

Give  Realtors Annie a Call.
 Buyers and Sellers Go to the Website and see who can qualify.
Annie Guerrero
Director of Affiliate Programs

9201 West Broadway Avenue, Suite 615
Minneapolis, MN 55445
Cell:  763-772-2434

Monday, July 6, 2015

                            Flood Insurance & Government agency mismanaged 
G'day, October 2013,
 Passing on letter with a well expressed senitmentfrom a long time special friend of our St Pete barrier isands. Enjoy.

"Thank you for all the hundreds of letters and messages you moved to Washington.  Looks like a bit of slack on the flood insurance premiums. However it's now time to let FEMA  be a regulatory  body and tell us how high to build but get out of the business of selling insurance. For example, if you buy $200,000 Fire insurance from State Farm and the house burns they give you $200,000. If the house costs $300,000 to build back they don't give you a extra $100,000.  When you buy your flood insurance from FEMA they say how much do you want and charge you a premium accordingly. Fine, but when the flood hits the President waves his hand, declares a national  disaster, and gives you from FEMA twice what you purchased and all your neighbors the same even though they did not have flood insurance. Next day the FEMA agency has spent way more than they took in. Any private insurance company would be bankrupt but more than likely not as they would not be giving benefits to those who did not purchase them in the pool. So now what does FEMA want to do? They want to raise the premiums on all the good people that responsibly bought flood insurance to pay for all those who did not. I say let private enterprise run the insurance companies and get government out of our business.  In closing, the government will kick this premium thing down the road, make no decision and devastate our real estate resale market due to the great unknown. Push now for alternative private flood insurance product acceptable to mortgage lenders so we may ignore these mismanaged government insurance programs.  Sincerely, Billy Moore" 

Thanks Billy
Billy who? Billy Stone Crab     Passionate local Realtor selling since 2001

and see all homes for sale in Pass-a-grille Vina Del Mar and Don on front page Cesar place